Friday, March 28, 2014

Puppets - part 2...

Well, here is our next puppet update.  I mentioned yesterday that my stitching left a lot to be desired - well, here's proof...

This is at the top of the head, where 3 seams come together.   As you can see, the seems are very visible - not only that, but they're staring to give (yes, my stitching really was that bad :blush:).  In the next picture, you'll see the side seam

This is on the left side of the puppet - if you were to look closer, you'd see the same thing here, trust me.  So as I mectioned yesterday, I re-stitched the right body seam using the Puppet Stitch....

...And here's the result!  A much better look to the seam, and it's twice as strong.  The downside to this method is the time taken - puppet stitch takes forever to do (especially with fur) - but it's worth it!  So it's back to the puppet to do the remaining seams, and then the ears/eyes/nose comes next!

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