Something I've been meaning to do for a while now, is to create a very simple character, that's quick to draw, and that I can practice putting into various costumes/situations so I can develop my cartooning skills - with this in mind, I give you...Voxie!
He's a happy little chap, who can turn his hand to anything, even though he has quite a temper at times. I've tried to keep him to basic shapes (circle for the head, rectangle for the torso, half circle for the pelvis etc...) and so far it seems to be working. My next test is to costume him up - expect to see some soon...
Once I've got Voxie going properly, I'll give him a little girl friend perhaps... Voxette?
He's great, Shaun! As well as a girlfriend, could he have a pet, too? I mean an animal type one?
Good idea - how about a dog? (Vog the Dog?)
Vog the Dog sounds good to me ...
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