He's quite a good egg, but sometimes he has attitude...

... as well as a set of rocket powered skates. He's chief cook and bottle washer too. Last, but by no means least, is Crykk and Honest Jock...

Crykk is the Engineer - someone you should have complete understanding with, which is a problem, as the only word that Crykk knows is "Crykk!" Luckily (for Him) Sprocket is fluent in Crykk. Honest Jock is the used spaceship salesman on WayPoint Station, who's primary purpose in life is to separate the Captain from his hard earned cash...
Some of these cartoons are shaded in pencil - this is deliberate, as I want to use them as a platform for futher work later on, possibly in ArtRage3... Yes, ArtRage3 is imminent, and it comes with a proper inking tool - my christmas's have all come at once...